Thrift Tips

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Sometimes people don’t understand why I love to thrift, because they think it sounds like a lot of work! And, it actually can be! But these tips help me enjoy it even more:

1) Time.

Give yourself plenty of time to browse the aisles. Some thrift stores are organized, but even so, you can’t ask for “a black t shirt” and expect to walk out with one in 5 minutes if at all. I don’t like feeling rushed therefore I go when I have unlimited time to scope through all the clothes, try things on and think about if I should really buy it (since there are no returns). 😉

2) Don’t have one thing in mind

Sometimes if it is for a holiday or costume, then by all means go and search! But for a casual day of shopping I try to be open about all purchases. Look through shirts, shorts, dresses and just try on whatever catches your eye! Being fixated on buying only a purple dress will limit yourself while shopping and they may not have one at that moment! This skirt caught my eye and it was so easy to style! To see how I styled it, check out three ways to style a high waisted (thrifted) skirt.

Which brings me to my next tip…

3) Keep an ongoing list!

We all have clothing that we want but don’t necessarily need asap. Make mental or actually notes of things you need. For me it is caged heels, tall boots and cozy sweaters!


4) Use Pinterest! 

I am always seeing and pinning outfits I love. Quite often they are not linked to the store where I can buy them and more times than not, I don’t need more clothes…. So while I am shopping I will open my pinterest boards so I can remember what I like. For more on using pinterest to help you, see my past blog post here.

5) Check the dressing room rack

This is a good tip for those who may find it somewhat overwhelming. Always make sure to look at the rack of clothes people tried on but didn’t want. This may sound like a strange tip, but think about it! These people did the work for you – they looked through the store and found what they thought was best but felt like they shouldn’t buy it for whatever reason – perhaps their hard work paid off for you 😉 Check out Going with the Flow Dress for an item I bought at Goodwill using this tip!

Do you have any other tips on thrift shopping? I would love to hear them! Happy thirfting 🙂

Til next time,


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