5 self-care habits I practice before a flight

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Lately I have been getting in a habit of self care before a day or even a few hours of travel. Whether I take the time a day before or the day of (if you have a later flight) it really helps set the slate clean before a trip. Usually this would be before a long-haul or cross country flight but this can be done before shorter trips as well (any sort of travel deserves some self love)! These self-care habits I practice before a flight have really helped make me feel the best before my next adventure.

Traveling on a plane can introduce you to germs, dry out your skin and also tire you out. Having a strong foundation to battle these troubles right off the bat can really help!

5 self-care habits I practice before a flight

1/ Take a bath

I know not everyone is a bath person but to me there is no better way to treat yourself that a warm, luxurious bath. Some essentials for me include an immense amount of bubbles, a candle (a scent that soothes), and a cup of hot green tea. Find your perfect bath ‘recipe’ and relax. Follow with a moisturizing lotion to guard against a day of travel.

2/ Face mask

Anyone else a sucker for trying every face mask out there? I.CAN’T.STOP. Grab one at your local beauty stores, amazon or even Trader Joes (they really have everything). I usually wait out the time in the bath as well for an extra relaxing element. My new favorites have been Lapcos masks that you can get at Anthropologie or Costco. You may as well give your hair some love with a hair mask too – I am currently using my Natura Brasil Murumuru reconstrutive hair mask from my cause box!

3/ Hydrate

I have a horrible time hydrating while I travel but I try to get a head start by filling up my hydroflask and drinking all day long. It is a forced habit, but one that I know will make me feel revived during the next day. It is difficult to eat and drink healthy while you’re on the go but anything you can accomplish before the flight helps!

4/ Exercise

Thanks to a Pure Barre Groupon, my last two flights I have made sure to schedule a class before my travel day. If you don’t have a gym memberships (my current situation) make it a yoga class, or a walk around the neighborhood. Mentally I feel healthy and ready to go in case I can’t get workouts during my trip (often the case).

5/ Take care of the mind

Not only is your physical self-care important before you check off another place on the map, but it is just as important to mentally prepare. As someone who struggles with anxiety and suffers from OCD, I know that hours before leaving on a trip increases both of these. Pack early, check around your home and try to check off anything that will relieve your anxiety. If that means tidying up, making sure you have packed your medicine, writing in your journal, having time to yourself – whatever that is to prep mentally for your trip! Many people struggle with anxiety (especially during a flight) so help alleviate as much as you can early on.

Those are my self-care habits I practice before a flight but what are yours? Do you practice any of these tips yourself? Let me know in the comments or over on Instagram 🙂

PIN it below for your next trip!

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