An apology letter to Florida

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I have officially been living in Florida for over a year (whoa). Personally I never thought I would live in the Sunshine State, regardless of how many spring breaks and blizzard escapes were spent here. Even when the cold and snow broke me between living in Chicago and New England, I moved to San Diego, CA for a warm change. There seems to be a stigma regarding Florida; snow birds, the overwhelming humidity, and a touristy place to enjoy the white sand beaches. I am not sure what it is but other than the warmth I didn’t have Florida high on my list for places to live.

That may sound harsh but I am here to say ‘I am sorry’ to Florida.

Dear Florida,

I judged you.

I used you to escape New England winters but never considered you a “cool” place to live. When I received the news that I would move from Japan to Jacksonville, FL I wasn’t negative by any means, but I had my doubts. I had never lived in the south, and all I knew was the tourist driven side (and tacky bright colored buildings with wonky gift shops). I thought I was saying goodbye to my cultured craft coffee shops, divine food options, and eclectic atmosphere that myself and Instagram really grew accustomed too.

Thanks to the city of Jacksonville, FL – I was proven wrong.

A few memories stick out when I realized I was mistaken on the Florida state I knew.

1/ I remember being jet lagged the morning after I landed in Jax, and biking at sunrise to Atlantic Beach. I was so surprised at how beautiful the beaches were. They have whiter sand than my home in Rhode Island or San Diego. I felt alone (in a good way). No tourists, groups of people with their tents and chairs. Parking by beaches is easy and there are no lines at the nearby beach restaurants, breweries, or ice cream shops. I was able to call this home, and I was feeling pretty thankful.

2/ When we pulled up to Five Points in Riverside, I instantly knew this was the area I want to spend most of my time in. Rooftop bars, coffee shops, community gardens- the whole vibe was exactly what I wanted from a city.

3/ My third “OK, I see you Jax” moment was driving down W. Forysnth St and being BLOWN away by all the street art. Art Republic collaborated with so many artists to beautify and electrify the city and it sure paid off. If you were to tell me how awesome the street art in Jax was, I would have thought you were lying. Downtown Jacksonville may be under the radar now, but I have a feeling that soon will change.

Even though I have been personally victimized by cockroaches and barely made it through the intolerable humidity – all of the amazing parts of Jacksonville easily outshine the small things.

Jacksonville, you have great places to grab a craft cocktail, insane amount of breweries, an art scene, immense amount of pride and community as well as a stellar coffee scene.



Jacksonville may be an underrated city, but it sure will surprise you.


Love always,


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  • Reply
    E. M. Anderson
    August 16, 2019 at 10:27 am

    Oh man! I relate to this sooo much. I grew up in San Francisco and have spent most of my life in California. All I knew about Florida was that lots of old people, alligators, and Disney World lived here. I was a west coast snob. lol Still learning all the rad things that Florida has to offer.

    • Reply
      September 4, 2019 at 2:24 pm

      Aw yes glad you can relate! I’ve really enjoyed Florida this last year! West Coast is a beautiful place but hope you are enjoying the Sunshine State! 🙂

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