blanket weather

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Happy almost Wednesday!

We are SO close to cooler weather here in Southern California and I am SO happy. And in true California fashion it is cold in the morning and cold at night (with a summer heat during the day) so layers are key! Which brings me to blanket sweaters/scarfs/ponchos.

I chose to style my poncho with distressed jeans, black tank top, taller brown boots, choker necklace and a large tote. I linked some similar jeans below but this pair is the most similar to mine. My choker is from Lulus but I linked some similar ones below as well. There are SO many ways to wear an oversized poncho/scarf but here are some styling tips:

1. Pair it with something not as baggy on the bottom. Skinny jeans, leggings or leather leggings would be PERFECT.

2. Depending on the pattern of your poncho, I would stay with neutrals for underneath. A good, plain solid background so your poncho gets most of the attention. And you have a simple chic look if it gets too warm and you need to take it off.

3. Pair it with some great shoes that tie in colors of the sweater. I love that my boots are more of a vintage look, that tie in really well with everything else!

I got this open front knit poncho for $0! One of my first blog posts was Thrift Traders (buying more clothes can be priceless). It goes into detail about trading clothes and specifically, at thrift traders (my top thrift shop here in San Diego). I ALSO traded clothes for the tank top I am wearing 😉

These shoes – $13.00. These may be one of my favorite thrifted shoes ever. Goodwill is always getting new things in and they have so many locations – I shop at three of them. Although shoes can be very hard to thrift, always be on the hunt and keep a list in your phone of ones you may not need right away but would like – one of my thrift tips!


I have linked below some other trendy fall inspired ponchos but as always, I love to leave with a thrift challenge when I can – find an over-sized poncho! You can be lenient on the size because it is supposed to look big (much like my kimono a few posts back).

These are perfect for November and the fall season. Happy thrifting!

Love always,


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